JunyaFang ~ ♥
Sunday, June 13, 2010

~ Gyaru Eyes ~
'Kay, so I made a video today for my new Youtube channel, JunyaFang.. lololol. I dunno why I liked Junya ~ I just think it's a pretty name altho it's a boy's name, but yeah.. it's the name of my new Youtube channel, and I'll be posting there my make tuts. lololol. Why did I even like making make tuts, when I could just watch others do so? Well.. I think I could put my creativity into use there.. instead of making art drawings on devianArt.. even though, I like doing that.. it's just so hard, 'coz I lack knowledge in photoshopping. Err.. I wish I was good enough, but it's just so hard to understand and at the same time think of what to do when am still learning it! Err.. ( > , < )
So yeah.. I think doing make tuts is okay.. I guess it'll be a pass time.. and I guess I'll be doing nail art soon.. and tshirts soon.. I dunno! I have a lot in my mind that I couldn't put to use! Why oh why?!?! *sigh*
And yeah.. again.. am the luckiest girl ever, for having the sweetest, coolest, Kid Cudi-ish BF ever! Goodnight ~ ♥
Btw, my BF's sexaaayyyy.. lololol. Random ~