Whoah?! And I said I was on a diet but look!!! Haha.. Well, I think it's ok to eat this heavy once in a while.. I mean, I shouldn't torture and push myself to hard 'coz life is too short! What if I were to be gone tomorrow and I didn't eat this meat?!?! I will forever regret it! (lololol.) Okay, so that's a random pic of the day.. I was at my mom's place yesterday and this is what she prepared for me! My mom loves me so much! Hihi!
Okay, so yeah about my ears.. here are PICTURES of it! (lololol. I even take pictures of my ear 'coz that's how I am addicted to myself! Hahaha!!!)
Left ear
I did the other four holes on my ears myself and yes.. at first you'll feel like it doesn't hurt that much but the healing process is way painful than when you pinch a hole on it! Although I do think I have a fetish for pain! (Omg so emo) So I did this to myself! Do you think am cool?!?! No? Yeah.. I thought so..
So yeah.. question!
Holy peas!!! am almost late for work!!