EST Shibuya Bowling Center
Saturday, July 02, 2011
I am supposed to blog about this on June 25 but since I got so busy and all like, I feel like I'm no 18 year old anymore due to my schedule and busy-ness (lololol) So yeah, sorry for being such a lazy blogger
(Oh wait, why do I have to apologize?! HAH!
So yup, my day at Harajuku / Shibuya how can I describe it??
I guess.. but, satisfying!
'Coz everything you see is just awesome! I've never seen Harajuku and Shibuya at night until that day.. but, to be honest, I prefer seeing it by day 'coz I'd love to see cute lolitas and decora girls walking around the streets!
They're all so cute I wanna take pictures with them and I don't care if they won't let me! I'll take pictures of them secretly because I am that addicted to them!
They make my eyes go all
when I see 'em! They're so cute!!!
Okay.. so yup! How could I forget pictures you guys?! Here you go! Feel free to view all my photography or should I call it trashography
(doesn't even make sense!
So corny..)
Pictures above aren't edited 'coz I see no point of editing them 'coz they're blue!
And you thought this post was over!