Yesterday was a looong day! Yesterday was supposed to be my yasumi but Shunin and Machan didn't allow me (T^T ) maaan they're so mean! But that didn't stop my plan on attending Iwatsuki Matsuri atleast seeing it for just an hour 'coz by 7pm it'll be all over! So yeah, I went home by 5pm and immediately took a shower and wore my yukata! Unfortunately, it took me over an hour to wear my yukata! Plus the make up so I finished everything by 6:30 and at that time I think everybody at the Matsuri's all preparing to go home o(TωT ). So instead of heading straight to the Matsuri, I went to my brother's party and ate first with Sofia. Then decided to go there by pass 7 just to take a peek if everything's really over! But no, no.. we got there and everybody's leaving! Bummer.. unfortunately, Japan's not like the Philippines. In the Philippines, when there's a fiesta and let's say it'll be over by 9pm. It'll be really over by 12am or by tomorrow 'coz by tomorrow you'll still see party leftovers from yesterday (lol) But Japan is different. Really really different! It's like no party or festival ever happened to the place! Everything was so clean! (@______@) But it's okay, I drank a lot..... of juice at my brother's party and I had fun since I'm with Sofia anyway. Plus, atleast I get to wear a yukata this year and learned how do it by myself! Last 2009 I had to have help from my friend Rolane!
Okay okay.. so yeah PICTURES! Yes! Pictures.. how can I forget about pictures?!
Okay, so this is me in my yukata! I can't believe it took me over an hour to wear this! It's cool but, this may be the reason why I missed the Matsuri! 。・゚゚・(≧д≦)・゚゚・。 *sigh* What happens, happens! Jeez.. Anyway, hey guys! I really had fun doing make up with this look so I guess if I get enough comments to tell me if I SHOULD DO A MATSURI LOOK I'd do it. But if not, well meh, I'd still do it but I guess if I'm not that busy anymore. (Will probably take a long time)
This was my hairstyle ~ a little bun with a flower hair accessory. I took this on my phone with inside camera so, the picture's pretty bad.
Aaand this is me!
Me and Sofia!
My cousin and me wearing our uhh.. fugly faces.
Sofia ~ Half half!
Me and Sofia with her sister 可愛い Yuki!
My eye make ~
Who is this?! lol.
Sofia and her sister..
Too bad we didn't get to see Matsuri! It's over! Cars are already all over the place!
残念でした!But it's okay.. there's still next year! I think. Urghh whatever. Thanks for reading! またね!!!ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ
I am back! YES! With black hair ~ YAY! After having brown hair then blonde for almost 3 years! I now decided to change back to my natural hair color!

Product I used:
I used Liese Prettia Bubble Hair Dye in Natural Black. They also have Cool Black but I prefered the Natural one plus, based on the pic the Natural Black looks more Jet Black than the cool one and I wanted a jet black hair 'coz I wanted to look 'cool' (lololol). Plus having Jet black hair would really brighten my face and will make it appear even lighter.
Before and after pic:New Hair! Yay! I'm really happy with the results! As for my review with this product.. I find the product really uhm.. what do you call it? Wishy-washy? Or watery so, It's kinda hard and messy to apply. I suggest you do the applying inside your bathroom. It took me kind of a long time to learn the techniques (noobie!) but I find it really easy and minus the mess type of way to bend your head and start at the bottom of your hair. Then, apply a generous amount on to the back of your head (when I say generous I mean, squeeze on tons of products on to your hair) then massage your hair like what you do when you shampoo your hair. Once you're done, wait for about 15-20 minutes but I let it sit on my hair 'til 30 'coz I have thick hair then all done!
Product Rating: ★★★☆☆I'll give it a 3 out of 5 'coz it's really hard for me to apply ~
More pictures:
Been at OMIYA for 2 straight days like whoah! I will never go there again! Well okay I'll still go there but not too soon! I had fun though! Yesterday, me, Rolane and Sofia went to go see a movie at Shintoshin. We watched Harry Potter again 'coz Rolane hasn't seen it yet and we mistakenly bought 3 tickets for a Japanese Version sooo yeah, 'coz it's in Japanese and since I can't understand it that much I kinda fell asleep and then woke up when Rolane said she has to go to the bathroom.
We had a mini photoshoot too! Rolane haven't uploaded the pics yet so once she uploads it I'll just put it right below ~ For now, here are some of our purikura pics we took at Omiya!
We went to Omiya to shop a little, wander around for a while and then went to Karaoke to sing for 3 hours ~ I got me some accessories from baby shoope and this is what I liked the most!
Okay, so today.. oh wait! *checks time* it's 12:10am! Okay so 'yesterday' me and my dad's friend, tita Emma shopped 'til we -have no money left- in Omiya! First we bought matching Jeanne Arthes perfumes in Love Never Dies and it smelled really nice and oh my gosh! The packaging is sooo gorgeous! It even comes with this cute little chain! So cute!
And then we went to a Cecil McBee stall at LUMINE. I was going to just buy me a new wallet but they have no good designs yet so I bought me a bag instead and it's so cute!
And I also bought this necklace! And I really really adore this necklace that I will cry if I didn't get to buy it (Luckily I did.) I am a sucker for keys, locks and crown designs and this was the whole package. But what would be really cool is that if it had a bow then it'll be everything to me!
So yeah we went home afterwards.. well, I stayed at tita Emma's place for a while 'coz I forgot my keys and dad's not home with my bro yet. Then she gave me this pika pika wallet that is also Cecil McBee to match my bag 'coz I have no Cecil McBee wallet yet and Oh my.. it's so pretty and sparkly!
And ooh.. after that I went home 'coz dad and Ryouta were already home too and look! Dad bought me a Tripod. Aww so nice! I didn't even ask him to buy me this and he doesn't even know I do videos on youtube (Oh yeah, this is my channel btw, hihi ~ Toffinshan) but this will be really helpful!
Okay you guys! So that's about it ~ maaan work tomorrow! But am so tired I don't wanna go to work. Urghh whatever.. thanks for reading you guys!
We had a mini photoshoot too! Rolane haven't uploaded the pics yet so once she uploads it I'll just put it right below ~ For now, here are some of our purikura pics we took at Omiya!
We went to Omiya to shop a little, wander around for a while and then went to Karaoke to sing for 3 hours ~ I got me some accessories from baby shoope and this is what I liked the most!
My friend Kim from the Philippines also bought feathered earrings (I think feathered earrings are kinda 'in' or popular in the Philippines these days) I never thought that feathered earrings are also 'in' here too! So I bought one.. and I bought a peacock design 'coz I thought of it kinda unique and its' design is not that easy to find. This was the last pair btw.
Okay, so today.. oh wait! *checks time* it's 12:10am! Okay so 'yesterday' me and my dad's friend, tita Emma shopped 'til we -have no money left- in Omiya! First we bought matching Jeanne Arthes perfumes in Love Never Dies and it smelled really nice and oh my gosh! The packaging is sooo gorgeous! It even comes with this cute little chain! So cute!
And then we went to a Cecil McBee stall at LUMINE. I was going to just buy me a new wallet but they have no good designs yet so I bought me a bag instead and it's so cute!
And I also bought this necklace! And I really really adore this necklace that I will cry if I didn't get to buy it (Luckily I did.) I am a sucker for keys, locks and crown designs and this was the whole package. But what would be really cool is that if it had a bow then it'll be everything to me!
So yeah we went home afterwards.. well, I stayed at tita Emma's place for a while 'coz I forgot my keys and dad's not home with my bro yet. Then she gave me this pika pika wallet that is also Cecil McBee to match my bag 'coz I have no Cecil McBee wallet yet and Oh my.. it's so pretty and sparkly!
I changed my wallet immediately and started using this. And Idk if this is true you guys but tita Emma says that it is best to have a wallet that sparkles or shines 'coz that will kinda 'lure' the money in your wallet. So okay basically it's like this. WALLET + SPARKLES = UNLIMITED CASH (Hmm.. not bad) I like shiny and sparkly stuff and hey! Would it hurt to believe?!
And ooh.. after that I went home 'coz dad and Ryouta were already home too and look! Dad bought me a Tripod. Aww so nice! I didn't even ask him to buy me this and he doesn't even know I do videos on youtube (Oh yeah, this is my channel btw, hihi ~ Toffinshan) but this will be really helpful!
Okay you guys! So that's about it ~ maaan work tomorrow! But am so tired I don't wanna go to work. Urghh whatever.. thanks for reading you guys!
Hey guys! So it's been a while ~ again! And yee am back with a video of me doin' make up! I decided I'd do a video on the look I featured in my previous post. And I'd really really really really reaaaaaally
appreciate your views on this one you guys! I worked real hard on this and I wasted make up on this video
so your views are kinda like what you have to pay me for wasting make up (lololol)
omg you guys I was just kiddin'.
You like it?!
You don't?!?! Aww shucks!
Oh well whatever..
Oh hey guys! This is my new Youtube Account by the way. I cancelled my old one 'coz my url name sucks so yeah.. I'd really really reaally appreciate your subs or friend request
and I really like doing this shizzz. You know?
Posting videos of me doing make up so, it'll be really cool if you guys can suggest 'looks'
and I'd really do my best to make that for you! Ehe.. I know there are already tons of gurus on youtube but I really like doing this and I think it's really fun!
Yeah.. I had fun editin' and waiting and waiting for it to save ~ 
You like it?!
Yet another busy week! Will be blogging real soon though so stay tune! lololol. (Like am some VJ on MTV)
So quick entry you guys.. today I'll be joining Cominica's giveaway
I really want those lashes! And her handmade headband! 超可愛い!!!Reason why I want those lashes so badly?! Japanese lashes maybe awesome as hell! Especially Diamond Lashes in my opinion.. but, I'm really broke for this month! Hahahaha! So yeah.. new lashes! Please! I hope I win yay!
Sup guys?! So yeah.. yesterday me, Sofia and her little sister went to Shintoshin to see Transformers Dark of the Moon!
Oh okay so yeah.. after watching Transformers, we went to the restroom and omg since there's no security all over the place, we decided to enter another cinema where it's showing Harry Potter Deathly Hollows
Then, after watching we went to a mini game center to get purikura shots!
After that, we just went to get dinner then went home! It was actually the same day as EXILE's concert!