きらきら Beauty World Dot Artist Set Review きらきら

Monday, October 10, 2011

Hey guys! Forgive me if am such a lazy blogger! I feel like no one's even reading my post so why bother post things! But, anyway, I changed my mind! So here's a review I made for 'Beauty World Dot Artist Set Polishes' ~

It took me about two coats to achieve a really pigmented color
It dries fast
It's really easy to apply
The brush applicator is quite okay
It's free with a dotting tool!

So for me, it's a ★★★★☆ stars!

Here's the finish look that I have come up with!
Sorry if you had to deal with the blurs.. my hands are not in a good condition.

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  1. The colors are so cute! I love it! <3
    Cute blog love! <3

  2. cute polka dots!!! the colors are perfect ~ <3

    xoxo tifuani


  3. This is such a cute idea!! I love the colour-combination!!

  4. Keep posting. I found you here on the we feel fine project. Neat blog. :)



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