Happy New Year Everyone!
This is our 'nengajō' of the year. I didn't get to buy the blank postcards with takarakuji (lotto numbers) because it was too late so this is not actually an official nengajō but just a plain 'ol greeting card but I still want to call it nengajō! I worked hard making this! (I am not good with photoshop plus I googled real hard for year of the monkey themed background! Took me for hours!)
Anyway, I am now blogging at 5:57am Japan time. No, I haven't slept yet! I am doing last minute packing 'coz I procrastinated during the holidays and now we're moving in just a day and a few more hours! And I'm here blogging while doing last minute packing.. priorities huh?! Hahaha..
This is my new year alright!
My Husband is too busy playing Fall Out 4 so he can't help me. I shouldn't have bought him that game for Christmas! It's too addicting that he forgets that he's a husband and a father. He's too into being a survivor of the Commonwealth! Well, atleast he's not flirting with his companions!
So, I made a dick move today! I washed the motor of our dyso vacuum! Yeah, stupid.. I know. I just wanna laugh it off but I'm crying deep inside. I didn't know you're supposed to wash it until my husband saw oil drips. He didn't get mad 'coz we got it for free from his friend. Still, it's dyso! Dyso vacuums are frickin' expensive! He said he'll get me a new one 'coz he didn't get me a Christmas present.. but I wanted a roomba.. *sad face* I just hope we can still use it. Still waiting for it to dry.. lol.

Well oh! Would you look at the time! It's 7:51am?! Wtf I was typing this at 5:57! Oh well, bye for now! I'll have no internet for days so it'll probably take me ages to update. So I'm off to packing again and drinking coffee! Bye bye~