(Sorry for the copyright but I saw this on Tumblr a while back and I've never been so inlove! LOL. With tats..)
Tbh, I was afraid of tattoos before 'coz they said you'll never be able to donate blood anymore which is a complete false! 'Coz you can donate but it'll take 12 months or less! And that it'll leave a nasty scar if you decided to erase your tattoo. Then again.. I was thinking of asking my dad about this but I know the answer.. hmm, 'cuz y'know.. I grew up in a conservative family (yeah right).. and none of my family had tattoos(that's 'cuz their *cough* pussies *cough*)! So obviously, they won't allow me to have one especially am a girl(dammit!).. and that's just bogus.. my family! LOLOLOL. (I get no individuality! They say that being like Lady Gaga is being a complete gaga and that am crazy or maybe i bumped my head into aa rock or somethin')
K, so.. I don't wanna start complaining because I'd rather put that onto my next rant.. hehehe.. anyways, it's now 9:00am and I just woke up.. I'm thinking on how to start my morning.. and what I did is I took a shit and I just reblogged some post on Tumblr.. and right when am done with these.. I'ma go make me some coffee. So it's been nice to share some interests again! Good Morning!
☺ Woke up dad
☻ Got back to bed and woke up at 7-ish?
☺ Woke up dad, again!
☻ Ate breakfast
☺ Took a shower
☻ Got dressed
☺ Filled up extension form (for my visa)
☻ Went to immigration
☺ The extension form I just filled up was sooo last year! (LOL) They gave me a new one for me to fill up all over again
☻ It was they're lunchbreak! So.. we ate also
☺ I ate a waffle with ham and egg spread? egg cream? (???)
☻ Slept at the immigration.. while sitting
☺ Done, went back to Omiya..
☻ Found a show I like, It was size 23.. bummer!
☺ On the train and wtf? It's my aunt and my aunt na hilaw!
☻ I was like soo happy they bought me something.
☺ Went to Maruetsu
☻ Bought shoes and it's K-SWISS, dad doesn't like it but I don't care!
☺ Carried those fcukin' heavy shopped items..
☻ Went to aunt's house and rest
☺ 5 mins. rest is over dad ordered me to buy stuff for house.
☻ When I got back I went home, dad stayed a bit on my aunt's place.
☺ I hurried and went smoking.. in the bathroom! Took a shower too.
☻ Yehehes smooth ~ Now, did the dishes, cooked rice.
☺ Vacuumed living room, yey new curtains!
☻ Went hunger strike since am like sooo hungry! And dad was like 'we gonna go take a shower first!' I mean, gahd! So selfish!
☺ Ate ~ happy tummy!
☻ Did the dishes, again!
☺ And now I'm on facebook, tumblr aaand blogspot!

Sooo.. Happy Fathers Day!
I made this for my dad.. just now and as of now he’s eating it.
Since my dad goes home from work on 12am every weekends and since he likes eating breakfast meals whenever he has come back from work.. I made him a special ehehe! I knooow I should’ve made him this in the morning but I woke up at 11am and he’s already gone.. and yeah, we kinda have an arguement but yeah.. still love him tho!
Happy Daddies day agaaain and yeah dad, this is only for now since it’s your day.
Blooper Story:
So right after I made this I took a shower.. theeen, I didn't know my dad's already home from work 'coz he usually door bells but yeah.. I guess he used his key now sooo.. I have no idea he's already home so without bra, I was walking around the kitchen and I was shocked 'coz right out of the blue he said, 'Arigatou!' And I was like Ah!.. startled like that.. and good thing he was already in the living room so he didn't see me there.. yokatta ne ~ lesson learned.. don't walk around the house without bra or naked!

d best part of bein inluv is not bein tgether everyday.Rather, bein asured dat even though ur miles away stil ur d rison y s/he looks for anadr day. I love you!
i know my love will never end and everyday, knowin that ur my girl. makes my day lovelier than rainbow.
Aww.. 'san niya kaya nakuha 'to? Ahaha.. basta 'yan favorite ko! Ahaha ~ ngayon lang naman ako nasasabihan ng ganyan e.. weee ~ tapos ang masaya, lahat ng ginagawa niya para pasayahin ako 'di ko na sinasabi kasi meron siyang kusaaaaa. ( ^ v ^ )v

Here are some pictures of my cool experience with God and my fellow Christian friends~

OKay.. so the place is real packed.. tons of foreigners and duh?! Filipinos!!! Yeah.. they're all pretty nice ♥ And yeah.. when we was about to go inside I bought a shirt.

And yeah.. We had pictures of some of our new friends.. apparently they're already on my facebook! Ahaha..
Well.. how can I describe my experience? Well.. Tbh, I never did this before.. and it was actually kind of fun! You know? Praising God? Well.. am catholic so.. yeah.. we praise God like, super traditional I think but this.. this experience is really different from what I've known on how to praise God.. it's more of for teens like that but don't get me wrong! We have adults there too like, 50-ish I think and yeah.. the songs we're kinda like Switchfoot's but all about praising God.
And I never knew that praising God will be this fun! And I had a wonderful experience.. it taught me how to make God famous.. well not the advertising way.. you get the point! And it taught me to do something good to my life.. and it was really inspirational! To be really honest.. I had tough times like, I felt alone (sorta emo-ish, since my mom and dad are on abroad and am left there in the philippines) and yeah.. I had troubles with my relatives (I lie a lot so they wouldn't get mad at me.. but end up getting mad at me more when I get busted since I'm not a good liar), love problems which drove me psychotic because I was so possesive.. and the thing about me having this blaming problem like, I blame everything to everyone even though I knew I was wrong and felt like there is no hope for me to ever change and felt like God will never forgive me for this but, NO.. God will never expect you to be perfect or to follow every 10 commandments.. What he wants is for us to just love Him.. have faith in Him and to never forget Him. Well of course , you gotta do good deeds too! A lot ♥ and am working on mine.
And yeah.. having friends like Anju, Arissa, Ate Jessa and Harumi is the most life changing experience. They've taught me a lot of things and am proud they came into my life ♥ and now am happy! No worries.. and yeah.. I have a boyfriend! Wakakakakak!
Enjoy Jesus ♥
"…Mercy triumphs over judgment"
(James 2:13, NIV)
We've all made mistakes. We've all made wrong choices; but as believers in Jesus, that doesn't change our heritage. God doesn't kick us out of the kingdom because we're not perfect. Maybe you don't feel like you deserve God's goodness, or you think you're supposed to suffer through life and just endure that problem. But friends, this is what mercy is all about. His mercy will renew and restore you if you receive it by faith today.
No matter what you may have done wrong, you are still the apple of God's eye. You are still His most prized possession. You can still activate God's promises by faith today. Why don't you shake off the guilt and condemnation? Put your shoulders back and say, "I refuse to live below my privileges. I may not be perfect, but I am forgiven. I may have made mistakes, but God knows my heart is to please Him, and I am changing my ways. Even though I may have brought this trouble on myself, I'm going to stay in faith and expect God to turn it around."
~ True, my mistakes/sins made me realize before that I am not worthy of God ~
~ but, right now.. getting close to him.. made me realize I'm wrong ~
~ Thank You Jesus! ♥ ♥ ♥ ~
~ He is my Savior! ~
~ I am free! ~

Dear Blog,
It's been a while.. and I have great news! I have a new boyfriend! Yep, 23rd of May, I have a new bf! His name is Richard, yeahhh.. the guy, I talked about in my previous blogs yadidaa.. Well, apparently, me and my past lover didn't work out.. It was hopeless! (jealousy, having no trust and issues! It will never work out!) So I went off and moved on and went with Richard ♥
Tbh, I dunno what came over me and asked him to be my boyfriend.. well, at first it was supposed to be a joke and see how he will react then wejcbfqkwevfoy2wevco12hevewucl1echb he's my bf! Ahahaha..
Yesterday, I was thinking If I still love my ex but, nahh.. I wouldn't choose my past for the present 'coz there's always a reason why me and my past didn't work out and that if I still continued being with him, I'll just end up getting hurt over and over again so.. I thought it was enough and I think I've already moved on..
But yeah.. we're in a long distance relationship ehehe.. btw, did I mention this new bf guy is also my really really tight friend? Like guy bestfriend?! So, I think I'll be happy with him! ♥ And since I have a new bf, I'll be embarassed to eat too much! So I'll have the inspiration to go on a super fast unhealthy diet! Because I think unhealthy diets are the fastest way to lose weight! Ahahaha..
I also cut my hair today.. and put extensions.. seeeee??? I have lots of layerz now! And I trimmed my fringed so when I put on wax I can make my fringe pointy!!!
✖ Away from friends and relatives.. ( T ^ T )
✖ Getting nasty, disturbing, annoying and saddening rumors of *him* from friends or collegue which literally, made me cry every freakin' night! (Got over it now.. ahaha!)
✖ Literally degrades my English Vocabulary.. and it's true! since I've been here for a year I've noticed that I'm having difficulty constructing english sentences and in spelling. Now I know why Japanese thinks that a person who is really good in Japanese and at the same time in English, is a really really totally super smart person!
✖ Again.. food??? Err.....
✖ And I thought winter is good until I've found out how irritating winter is..... well, when it snowed it's good!
✖ Trust me! winter? is equals to dry skin.. I repeat! DRY SKIN!!!!!
✖ Getting annoying rumors about me from the Philippines which is irritating me and making me wanna spit acid on 'em! Too bad I wasn't alien!
✖ And since I'm a dumbass in Japanese and a shy bastard! I have no boyfriend! And I'm officially.. super.. TIGANG NA! ( ^ o ^ ) Whoa! I did not just say that! But I did! Yay me!!!
TIIIGAAANG!!!!! Errrrr..... *throwing pillows*
And that's my story..... < / 3

And the plus side.. I've been getting a lot of compliments today.. even though I accidentally deleted my album with tons of pictures of me that I could never retrieve ever again 'coz my pictures on my computer were also deleted due to virus.. Yeah! And I'm super pissed at the time but I'm planning on deleting my pictures anyways.. I just didn't want it all to be deleted.. *sigh* But I'm okay now! And it'll be a lot cooler if my crush would mail me! And I'm still waiting.. waiting.. waiting.. waiting.. bored!
Okay, about meddling people.. I was really irritated to my friend 'coz she's so meddling.. she meddles to fights that aren't hers and that just pisses me off.. and she doesn't even know the whole story yet! She has no right to just meddle! Right?
As of now, I am mad of her.. for telling mean things to my other friend, yet she doesn't even know how the whole story went, for her to judge my other friend.. and even if she knew it from one certain person.. that certain person I knew is a total liar, 'coz he's the guy that I don't wanna talk about!
Now, I don't wanna say names.. 'coz I don't wanna start a fight or anythin' coz that'll only lead to drama.. and I DON'T LIKE DRAMAS!
My blog maybe confusing 'coz I'm not being direct and I'm not saying names.
But the point of this is to tell every single meddling/nosy people out there to just STFU!!!
Nobody wants you! Nobody likes you meddling or nosying (I don't know if that's even a word)!!! 'Coz you're all irritating! And I don't like you people!!!
Okay, do you wanna know who she is?? It's really unexpected but yeah! She is
Anyway, yeah.. I've been getting a lot of request from my friends that I SHOULD make a youtube site and make videos.. I'm still kinda
*Talking to myself* No ME! That line isn't cool! It's gay!
OMG! I'm so gay.. not that I hate gays you know? I'm just not used to those words (The inspirational thing type) 'coz I can't deliver well.. aww! Hahaha! Enjoyin' myself now!
Right, so.. this is my first time celebratin' Valentines here in Japan and it's real different from the Phils. Like there.. boys are supposed to give you flowers, chocolates and stuff while here in Japan, the girls are supposed to give boys chocolate whether bought or handmade.. That's called Choco Giri. You're supposed to make chocolates for boys so on White Day, that's like on march, you'll get a present in return! It's either, cookies, necklace, lingerie.. etc.. I just googled it! hahaha!
Here some of the pictures of what we did last Valentines with my cousin Rina, she just turned 11 and she has a boyfriend!!! Hahaa! WOW! And with her friend To-chan.. well, not exactly her friend 'coz she said she hated To-chan.. Hmmm..
My cookies looks
We messed up BIGTIME!!!

After several failures makin' cookies we decided to head to Saty to do purikura!!! yey! then, we bought ingredients for chocolate truffles.
Mix Mix Mix.. And the results.. TADAAA!!!
All done! Hahaha!
I just helped my cousin, I didn't gave any chocos to boys even my dad.. so I won't expect to receive any from White Day.. huhuhu! ( T ^ T ) Well, maybe next time..
Like I wish I could turn back time and redo all the shit I did back then..
But that would be so impossible! I know..
It's like bein' here in Japan.. made me like stop.. and not move at all while all the people I know grew.. better or worst!
And I feel uncool.. so lousy.. hmmfp. ( > o < )
Like everything I want isn't meant for me.
Okay, so let's take a recap and talk about this drama.
In my previous blogs, you'll see that I'm so falling for a guy named Richard
but, after I've found out his unacceptable flaw.. I wanna stop mailing him but I can't 'coz I don't wanna tell him I don't like him anymore.. BECAUSE he's my friend and I don't wanna ruin the friendship 'coz I think telling him I hate him and I don't wanna be his would ruin it.
Second, I unblocked my x boyfriend from my facebook, the reason is that.. there is no more reason for me to block him especially now that he's no longer messaging me.
The reason why am melancholic because after him greeting me for our 3 year anniversary.. am just gonna find out that he already has a girlfriend. To top it of, he's cousin told me that he's x girlfriend whom we always fought about is always sleeping with him. Well.. isn't that sad?!
After everything.. do you think I can still trust a guy?! NO!!!
Well.. now, and about Richard's flaws.. I do not wanna tell but it's an extreme turn off, especially for me since I don't like manwhores. But that's that.. what happened just happened and we can't turn back time.
So what am I supposed to do? Simple..
But still.. life goes on.. I know he's now happy and I'm glad he's not suffering from hospital tools and stuff. I'm glad to know that he's safe.. guiding us.. protecting us and not to mention with God. I know I couldn't be with him for the last time but I will always remember him. His jokes, laughter, cooking and sometimes when he's irritated, angry, his advice and so on..
and yeah.. I would not forget to mention.. to be a lot more closer to God.
For the past couple of years I've done so many mistakes/sins that now I regretted doin'. I tell myself If I could just go back to the past and tell myself of things that I know that's gonna happen.. But that would be impossible. The only thing I could think of doing to give coverage of all the mistakes/sins that I've done is by doing good things from the heart.. and avoid doing mistakes. But a person as I am I know I'm not perfect.. I cannot promise to not make mistakes but to just avoid doing it. I just don't want to do a big sin especially this year. So right here and now, a new and improved ME will be bustin' out this year!!! Yeah!!!
And yeah.. I'm also gonna blog about my new year story.
I spent my new year with The Kusagaya family. Sacho (actually he's a Kaicho but me and my dad call him Sacho because we are used to that) is like my dad's foster father here in Japan. That's why the Kusagaya's treat us like family for they knew each other for like over 10 years. And I also have filipino friends there.. well actually they're half filipinos and half japanese. They're Sacho's nieces. Anju, Arissa and Harumi are my new bestfriends here in Japan. I called them bestfriends for they are simply the best and they're not plastic at all! Not like the other friends I've known.
There's a lot of food! (oh yeah!) and guest for the Kusagayas are a big family! And of course fun! At the afternoon we teen girls went to a Karaoke house to sing! Like duh?! And I was all crazy jumping on the couch and was bouncing like a ball! It was so embarassing but we had so much fun.. then after Karaoke, outside of the karaoke house.. we we're doing this hep hep huraaay challenge and shagirishagiri thing.. it's on wowowee.. I really had no idea for back in manila we watch gma. haha!
We also received otoshidama. In japanese tradition, on new year's day they give money for they're siblings. But, if you're already working or 20 above. You won't be receiving otoshidama anymore. It's like pamasko on christmas but here in Japan it's just for family and they do it on new years. (but they treat me family so I got otoshidama hahaha!)
We also did magic tricks and puzzle things and I've learned so much!!! hahaha! My card magic has turned to level 0 to level 2 hahaha!!!
It was a blast! I never had this fun in the philippines 'coz on new years it's noisy and a lot of fireworks happening but we don't do fireworks for it's dangerous and I don't wanna!!! huhuhuhu!!!
Okay this blogs over! I'll be adding pictures here right after my cousin's done with my phone! ( ^ V ^ )